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One-time medical grants for children and individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities

The Department of Social Services provides one-time medical assistance to neuro-developmental disabled (autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability) persons registered under the Disability Identification Survey Program. Disabled persons interested in receiving the grant can apply themselves or on their behalf, their parents/legal guardians. In case of application at the district level, the application can be downloaded from the website of the trust office and applied directly to the head office of NDD Suraksha Trust (Padma Life Tower 14th Floor), 115, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Banglamotor Dhaka-1215, along with the necessary documents. The prescribed application form can be found on the website http://www.nddtrust.gov.bd/ . Applications can be submitted from the date of issuance of the notification to the specified date. Incomplete and e-mailed applications will not be accepted.

Types of neurodevelopmental disabilities

Four types of neurodevelopmental disabilities have been identified, taking into account the differences in physical, mental, intellectual, developmental, and sensory impairments and disadvantages.

1. Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorders:

Autism or autism spectrum disorder is a complex disorder of the normal development of the brain that manifests itself between one and a half to three years of age. People with this type of disability usually have no problems or defects in their physical structure and their appearance and physique are like other healthy and normal people. They cannot communicate properly with the environment and surroundings, such as inability to master the use of language, repetition of the same or limited tasks or behaviors, excessive restlessness, a strong tendency to follow the same routine, being introverted, etc. However, in many cases, such people are particularly skilled in many complex subjects including drawing, singing, operating a computer or solving mathematical problems.

2. Down Syndrome: A person is diagnosed with Down Syndrome, a genetic disorder that is associated with an extra chromosome in the 21st chromosome pair and is characterized by mild to severe intellectual disability, weak muscle strength, short stature, and Mongoloid facial features.

3. Intellectual disability: Any person who has one or more of these characteristics, such as limitations in age-appropriate activities, limitations in intellectual activities, such as causal analysis, learning or problem solving, and limitations in daily functioning skills, such as communication, self-care, social skills, health and safety, education, and self-management, is considered to be an intellectually disabled person.

4. Cerebral Palsy: Due to brain injury caused by prolonged confinement during childbirth, such a child usually has abnormalities in their movement and posture. As a result, they are identified as a person with cerebral palsy due to limitations in daily activities.

For more details, visit : http://www.nddtrust.gov.bd/

Details of  one-time grant assistance by the Neurodevelopmental Disability Protection Trust in Bhola District:

Fiscal year

Annual per capita income (Tk.)

Amount of assistance

Number of grant beneficiaries






Directly paid by NDD Trust





