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Urban Social Services

City Social Service Program is an original program run by Department of Social Services. This program is one of the first few programs of the Department and is considered very important in the development of urban social services.


The aim of this project is to organize the members of the poor and low-income floating families from different areas in search of livelihood living in the slum areas of the city and encourage them to take practical activities for socio-economic development through mutual help and cooperation. In search of livelihood, the scattered people have built dilapidated huts in various parts of the city, on the sides of the drains, on the banks of abandoned unsanitary ponds or swamps. Urban life is disturbed today due to dirty environment, failure to meet the basic needs of life, malnutrition and unhygienic conditions, unemployment, begging etc. Therefore, in a well-planned manner, by developing mutual relations between these people living in urban areas, with the cooperation of various government and non-governmental organizations, through the limited resources available in the fields of education, health, culture, nutrition, family planning, etc., the problems can be solved by providing relief in public life and adopting quality-enhancing programs for the poor. The purpose of this project. In order to implement this goal, the government established the Dhaka Urban Community Development Board in 1955 on the advice of experts sent from the United Nations. As part of the action plan of this board, the Urban Community Development Project (UCDP) was launched experimentally in 1955 in Kayetuli, Dhaka. In the same year, the success of this project attracted the attention of the government and the project was included in the Panchshala Plan and under it Gopi Bagh, Lalbagh of Dhaka city. And this program was expanded in 1960 in different cities of Bangladesh. After the establishment of the social welfare department in 1961, the project continued to grow. This program was increased to 43 units by 1996. In July 1996, the total number of units of this program was increased to 50 by establishing 7 more urban social service program units under the name of "Development and Expansion of City Social Service Program-1st Phase". .

This program is being implemented in Bhola district.

.  Aims and objectives of the program  :

Organizing family members for socio-economic development of low income poor people living in urban areas;

Creating opportunities for self-employment, enhancing the skills of the target population through training;

Undertake microcredit activities for increasing income and employment of poor people;

Providing assistance to various voluntary organizations engaged in social development activities.

.  Activities:

3.1. To provide training in productive and income-generating activities to create self-employment opportunities for poverty alleviation of the target poor population;

3.2. Conducting Micro-Credit programs aimed at increasing self-employment and family income of target groups and trained persons;

3.3. By organizing the target groups through team activities on cleanliness, use of clean water, use of flush latrines, primary health care, child labour, family planning, nutrition, environmental development, tree plantation, manual saline preparation etc.

3.4. Assisting and advising voluntary organizations in their creation, development, supervision and participation in social welfare work;

3.5. Advising and training officers of various organizations engaged in social development activities in leadership development and program management;

3.6 Acceptance and implementation of programs to deal with natural disasters and provide support to other organizations engaged in this work;

3.7 Provide active assistance in socio-economic rehabilitation of people affected by acid burns and natural disasters;

3.8 Creating awareness on child rights, women empowerment, juvenile corrections and community empowerment programs etc.;

3.9. conducting social research and survey work;

3.10. Coordinating and providing cooperation in the management of development activities of various government and non-governmental organizations/organizations engaged in social development and nation-building work.

.  Program Management:

4.1. Activities conducted at the government level:

         The outline of city social service activities conducted by the Ministry of Social Welfare at the government level is as follows:

A. Management of Micro-Credit programs for poverty alleviation and socio-economic development;

b. As a development partner, providing involvement and cooperation with various development efforts of government and non-governmental organizations in the development activities of areas inhabited by poor people;

d. perform natural disaster or emergency duties;

e. conduct activities to address emerging social issues;

f. Conducting social surveys and research activities.

4.2. Activities conducted at the private level:

A. At the private level, by forming a coordination council (Co-ordination Council) including representatives of local social welfare organizations/social workers, conducting socio-economic development and human resource development activities of the area through the collection of local resources and money received from the National Social Welfare Council and other sources;

b. Playing a leading role in coordinating development activities conducted by all voluntary social welfare organizations working in the area;

c. Providing support in the implementation of all activities conducted at the government level for the development of urban society.

.  Implementation and management of activities:

              5.1. 1 social service officer and 7 employees will be responsible for each city social service program. Employees assigned to conduct training and education programs adopted by Samanavoy Parishad in each city social service program shall work under the direct supervision of the Social Service Officer.

              5.2. Coordinating Council: "Coordinating Council" will work with each city's social service activities by involving government initiatives as well as private initiatives for the proper management of city social service activities and development of its programs. The coordination council will be registered as a voluntary organization under the Department of Social Services. The Coordinating Council shall have an approved constitution containing its ideals, objectives, governing principles, constitutional framework and other relevant matters. Specimen Constitution in this regard Annexure- 'B' Note.

5.3. The Coordinating Council shall have 2 (two) structures, namely:

(a) General Assembly

(b) Executive Council

5.3.1. Constitution of General Assembly:

(a) The President of the Executive Council shall be elected by secret ballot/show of majority of the members of the General Council and shall serve as the President of the General Council. He will preside over various meetings as elected president. This election will be held every 3 years.

(b) 2 representatives of each organization shall be members of the General Council after registration (affiliated) with the Coordinating Council by paying Tk. The representatives will be nominated by the respective organizations.

(c) Prominent social workers belonging to city social service office, area can get lifetime membership of coordination council by paying a one-time contribution of 10,000/(ten thousand) taka.

5.3.2   Scope of work of General Assembly:

1. The President elected by the members of the General Assembly shall serve as the President of the General Assembly.

2. The General Assembly shall have the same powers as the Coordinating Council.

3. The General Assembly will play the policy-making role of the Coordinating Council.

4. The Executive Council shall be accountable to the General Assembly.

5. Adoption of the annual program of the organization, approval of the annual budget, inspection of the annual income and expenditure account and approval of the annual report

6. Conducting elections for the formation of functional committees

7. Formation of election commission as necessary for the purpose of election

8. The decision of the General Assembly shall be deemed to be the final decision of the Coordinating Council

5.3.3 Executive Council:

In the light of the approved constitution of the Coordination Council, an executive council will be formed with a total of 15 members consisting of 09 members, 05 executive members nominated by the government and ex-officio social service officer general secretary through secret voting of the general members or by raising the consenting hands of the majority of the members. Note that the President of the General Assembly will also be the President of both the General and Executive Committees. This council will be elected for a period of 3 (three) years.

Structure of the Executive Council: Each city coordinating council under the social service program will have an executive committee consisting of 15 members whose structure is as follows:

(1) President - 1 person

(2) Vice-President – 2 persons

(3) General Secretary (City Social Service Officer ex officio) - 1 person

(4) Joint Editor - 1 person

(5) Organizing Secretary - 1 person

(6) Treasurer - 1 person

(7) Publicity and Public Relations Secretary - 1 person

(8) Literary, Cultural and Sports Editor - 1 person

(9) Members nominated by the Chairman of the Municipality/Municipal Corporation – 1 person

(10) Executive members (nominated by the Government) -  5 persons

Total - 15 people

Scope of work:

Advising on the management of various programs of urban social development activities

Implementation of necessary programs to overcome various social problems

Coordination between public and private enterprises

Determining the financial aspects of various activities of the organization, budget formulation and its implementation

Ensuring resource acquisition and its fair use

Adopts and implements action plans based on local needs

Meeting every 3 months.

5.3.4. Coordinating Council Funds: Members' subscriptions, income from training programs, one-time grants received from Bangladesh National Social Welfare Council, grants from various local organizations and donor organizations can form the funds of this council. This fund will be properly reserved and used according to the prevailing rules and constitution of the council.

6.0. Selection of work area:

The concerned social service officer will conduct various programs by selecting the work area as per the instructions of the government and on the recommendation of the coordination council.

.  Management of Micro  -Credit  Program:

In the current context of the country, with the aim of socio-economic development of the underdeveloped and poor population, the Ministry of Social Welfare has launched a microcredit program under the Urban Social Services Program of the Department of Social Services. Microcredit program will be conducted as a revolving fund aimed at socio-economic development of poor and backward communities living in urban areas. Various aspects and management instructions of this program are given below:

7.1. Family Selection:

7.1.1. Households will be surveyed with the help of concerned social service officers, municipal social workers and members of local registered voluntary organizations.

7.1.2 Based on the per capita annual income obtained through the survey, the families will be identified in 'A', 'B' and 'C' categories and the priority list will be prepared and the borrowers will be selected.

1) Class 'A' (Poorest) with average annual per capita income up to 36,000/-.

2) Category 'B' with average annual per capita income from Rs.36,001/- to Rs.50,000/-.

3) Category 'C' with annual average per capita income above Rs.50,000/-.

.  Working group formation:

7.2.1. Based on the information obtained through the survey, the formation of a working group of 10 to 15 members to systematically bring the target 'A' and 'B' category families under this program;

7.2.2. Electing/nominating a team leader/leader based on the consensus of the members of each working group;

7.2.3. Election/nomination of a team leader/leader for 2 (two) years;

7.2.4. Formation of teams consisting of men and women from each target group;

7.2.5. Formation of Puramnsh and Women's Pritak Teams if necessary;

7.2.6. Encouraging 'C' category families to engage in other social activities other than microcredit.

.  Role of working group:

7.3.1. Making the target families aware of their problem identification methods, responsibilities and duties, etc. through organizational activities as responsible family heads/members;

7.3.2. Enhancing mutual cooperation and creating self-awareness among target families through group activities;

7.3.3.Organize the team through team activities, create awareness among members and help develop new leadership;

7.3.4. Advising municipal social worker in selection of socio-economic scheme beneficiaries from among the members on priority basis;

7.3.5. Informing and motivating the members about the implementation of ski, saving and repayment rules.

.  Team Management Rules:

7.4.1. Convening and holding fortnightly/monthly meetings on fixed dates;

7.4.2. Record the decisions of the meeting as usual (preparation by the concerned Municipal Social Worker from attending the party meeting to select the topics of discussion, help in conducting the meeting and making decisions and assisting the party leader/leader in recording the necessary issues);

7.4.3. In addition to the prescribed topics, relevant and necessary topics are created to be included in the discussion in the party meeting.

.  Role of Team Leader / Team Leader:

7.5.1. The team leader/team leader will convene regular fortnightly/monthly meetings;

7.5.2. Record the decisions of the meeting as usual;

7.5.3. Create opportunities for discussion on all issues including problems of party members;

7.5.4. Collect the monthly installments and savings of the party members and assist the Municipal Social Worker in charge to deposit the same as the concerned bank;

7.5.5. Advising and supervising party members as necessary in the implementation of the scheme;

7.5.6. Maintain regular contact with the Municipal Social Worker and Social Service Officer and inform him about the problems of the members;

7.5.7. Officers/employees of the Department of Social Services shall maintain a register to facilitate recording of views/comments regarding inspections.

.  Discussion topics of the party meeting:

7.6.1. The importance and necessity of fostering mutual cooperation among party members;

7.6.2. Importance and necessity of party savings aimed at creating a saving spirit;

7.6.3. The role of the team in solving family and personal problems;

7.6.4. sanitation and primary health care;

7.6.5. Importance and necessity of drinking clean water;

7.6.6. Importance and necessity of using flush toilets;

7.6.7. Adoption of family planning and the importance and necessity of small families;

7.6.8. Child care and maternity care;

7.6.9. saline preparation;

7.6.10. meeting household nutritional needs through fallow land cultivation;

7.6.11. Immunization of children;

7.6.12. Encouraging signature knowledge;

7.6.13. Assist in leadership development by creating self-awareness;

7.6.14. Liaison with various service organizations of the government;

7.6.15. Role of Social Forestry in Environmental Protection;

7.6.16. discussion and identification of various social problems;

7.6.17. Providing social and financial assistance to the disabled.

.  Procedure for implementation of loan program:

Based on the decision taken in the party meeting, the list of borrowers should be submitted to the municipal social worker along with the party leader's opinion on the recommendation of the party leader/leader. The Municipal Social Worker will visit the families and present them to the Social Service Officer along with their opinion. The Social Service Officer will review the schemes and approve the schemes in a preliminary manner after field-specific on-site inspection of the areas/slums and submit them to the Program Implementation Committee for immediate approval along with the recommendations (Appendix-D for the application form and sample table of the scheme).

7.8. Microcredit Program Implementation Committee: There will be an implementation committee consisting of 7 (seven) members in each work area for smooth implementation, management support and advice and supervision. The structure of this committee is as follows:


1. Deputy Director, District Social Services Office (ex-officio)- President

2. President, Project Coordination Council (ex-officio) – Vice-President

3. Social Service Officer, City Social Service Program (ex-officio)- Member Secretary

4. Representative-Member of the Municipal Commissioner of the concerned municipal area

5. Eminent Social Worker (directly nominated by the President)- Member

6. Eminent Women Social Workers (directly nominated by the President)- Member

7. Municipal social worker in charge of the concerned area (ex-officio)- Member

Scope of work:

1. The committee will meet every 3 months to review the overall implementation progress of the program and advise the social service officer to take necessary measures;

2. Borrowers' applications will be subject to approval for probate loans;

3. The Committee shall review the situation regarding investment and realization of revolving funds and take necessary measures to resolve the problems arising;

4. The members of the committee will jointly or individually visit the work area and provide the necessary advice to the social service officers, workers and team leaders/leaders regarding the proper management of the program;

5. The quorum of the meeting shall require the presence of at least 4 members.

.  Loan Availability Conditions:

7.9.1. Borrower must be party member;

7.9.2. Borrower must belong to category 'A';

7.9.3. Borrower must attend party meetings regularly;

7.9.4. The Borrower shall perform the duties of the party;

7.9.5. Borrower has to make regular monthly savings;

7.9.6. Priority will be given in disbursement of loans to women and disabled persons.

10 .  Scheme Selection:

7.10.1. Prospective borrowers will select income-generating work schemes based on their existing facilities and potential through discussion in party meetings;

7.1.2. The team leader/team leader and the concerned municipal social worker will advise the borrower to adopt the appropriate scheme;

7.10.3. While selecting the scheme, consultation with other concerned government departments/departments may be taken if necessary. In such cases, the Municipal Social Worker will assist in establishing contact with the prospective borrower and the concerned department and directorate.

11 .  Amount of capital to be invested in the implementation of the scheme:

7.11.1 A Borrower can borrow up to 3 times if necessary;

Bhola city social service office interest free microcredit program


(a) City Social Service Activities (Revolving Fund): Investments


Name of the office

Sector Name

Total funds received

Invested funds

Scheme No

Chargeable Sa: Including Charges

Collected Sa: including charges

Collection in current month

Collection rate



Microfinance activities









(b) City Social Service Activities (Revolving Fund): Reinvestment


Name of the office

Sector Name

Invested funds

Scheme No

Chargeable Sa: Including Charges

Collected Sa: including charges

Collection in current month

Collection rate



Microfinance activities








The loan amount ranges from Tk 10,000/- to Tk 30,000/- depending on the family

For more details click:  //ucdo.bhola.gov.bd/